
CANDHR bridges the gap between the traditional recruitment and self-serve e-recruitment industries. Our mission is to bring order back to the recruitment industry by connecting employers, professional recruiters and exceptional talent through one conveniently accessible platform.

  • Candidates gain professional exposure and representation while protecting their privacy.
  • Employers gain access to the top vetted talent of every registered recruiter in one place.
  • Recruiter Agents place more of their top talent, connect with new clients and build brand recognition.

Imagine if one platform not only provided you with the most amazing recruitment, job posting and video technology but also gave you access to the top talent of every staffing firm and, provided every jobseeker with the ability to apply, manage and track their applications. We have dreamed of this too. And now we deliver it.


  • Client: CandHr
  • Categories: Web Application, Web Design
  • Website: